Jacquel Tucker
Business Growth & Brand Strategist, Sales & Marketing Expert | Published Author | Speaker
Jacquel Tucker is passionate about her true calling and it's easy to understand why. If someone had told her when she was a little girl growing up in rural Jamaica with her parents and 8 siblings that one day she would feed up to 2,000 families monthly in the USA and it would happen during the worst pandemic, she would have laughed, told them no way - her family could barely afford dinner or even a tube of toothpaste.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
From Career Professional to Purpose Driven Entrepreneur
Get Unstuck & Jumpstart Your Journey to a More Fulfilling & Abundant Life
This eBook is one of Jacquel Tucker's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn:
- What's Really Holding You Back
- Simple, Practical Action Steps that will get You Unstuck, Gain Clarity and Start on Your Journey to Launching Your Legacy.
- Inspiration and Motivation to Make the The Mindset Shift that will Propel You Forward.
- Biblical Confirmation that God has created You for a Unique Purpose
- Encouragement from Other Professionals Just Like You Who Successfully Launched Their Purpose Driven Dream Business or Nonprofit for Greater Impact, Income and Generational Legacy.

Are you sick and tired of being STUCK?
Ignoring a problem never makes it go away… it only makes things worse, and ultimately harder to solve. The difference between staying where you are indefinitely, and moving forward to walking in your full God given potential, is all about taking action.
Our passion is to move you from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to gaining clarity and confidence on your true calling and follow a step by step rapid implementation plan with Godly guidance, accountability and community to launch, grow and scale your purpose driven business or nonprofit.

Did you know there is a sequence to SUCCESS?
Success doesn’t happen by chance. It happens when you make the choice to make a change... and then take action That is when true, lasting transformation happens.
Whether you are an individual or an organization, we have a proven process and the resources to transform your life through our training workshops, coaching programs, online courses, consulting partnerships and more.
All The Tools You Need To Maximize Your Purpose, Passion & Potential

What did John Maxwell, Priscilla Shirer, Tamara Lowe, and John Bevere all have in common? They all had mentors and coaches.
Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more.
Our coaching and mentoring programs are designed to provide guidance, accountability, implementation and motivation so you can achieve your goals.
If you are ready to take action to launch and grow your purpose driven business, we offer one on one and group coaching that will help you gain clarity, and make it a reality!

Each of our high quality online course focuses on a clear, concise, step-by-step implementation process to help you launch, grow and scale your purpose driven business.
We are keenly aware of your busy schedule so our curriculums are designed for you to learn and grow on your own time and at your own pace.
We pour our expertise and our passion for you to succeed into all of our videos so you will be engaged and inspired to take rapid action! Plus, you have the opportunity to receive support and accountability through one on one or group implementation sessions.

Hosting a successful event for your attendees requires you to not only share a message that encourages and motivates and but one that inspires them to take immediate action.
Your attendees are showing up because they want to learn real solutions and practical steps for implementation so they can overcome the challenges they are facing.
Let's partner to deliver on this promise by sharing the right authentic message that will resonate and provide actionable steps that will lead to lasting transformation so they can maximize their Purpose, Passion and Potential in their personal lives, business or career.
Don't Just Take our Word for it. Here's What Our Clients Are Saying...

Missy Bentz
Misty Pond Resort
"Jacquel is amazing! I can't say enough about just how much she has helped me in so many ways to get my business started, and started with excellence and momentum! She has encouraged me and supported me, she has helped me to feel more confident, and she has answered so many questions I had! She also helped me build my website and promotional materials. She has helped create social media posts for me, as well as other promotional materials. She is a cheerleader, mentor, resource with a wealth of information, encourager and networker.y assisted me in so many ways. She truly has made herself available to me, because she has a heart for me and for what I am doing. I feel like she is an angel sent by God to help and bless me. And now my business is thriving! I am certain that I would not be this far along in my success without her!"

Johnette & Marvin Davis
Safe Haven Building Strong Foundations
"Prior to working with Jacquel, we knew that God gave us a vision back in 2017 for marriages and families which was birthed from our own personal testimony. We just didn't know how to move forward! When we met Jacquel, she not only listened to our hearts, but she was able to allow God to use her to bring out exactly what we were imagining! She pushed us to think bigger and she challenged us to go deeper. Without her inspiration, prayers, words of encouragement and sound advice we would not be where we are today! We were truly stuck, knowing we had a vision but thinking it would never come to past! She even prayed with us throughout the journey to ensure we were aligning with what God said and not just what we could see with our own eyes! This journey has truly allowed us to set our Purpose on Fire! We were able to name our business, make it official, create a logo and website, and be in the best position to officially launch our business successfully! This experience was truly a blessing. We recommend her coaching to anyone who is serious about setting their Purpose on Fire!"

Althea Fatuga
Genesis Education Foundation
"For years, prior to Jacquel's involvement, I had a nebulous vision of what I wanted my organization to be. I saw the big picture and the finished product. However, what was lacking was the ignition to commence the process. Recognizing that I needed guidance was a major step in getting this journey started. I needed to ensure the foundation was solid and my vision was clear and attainable. While I had the big picture, the steps to get to the big picture needed work. Working with Jacquel was pure joy. She brought her A-game to every session. She is creative, joyful, insightful and so encouraging. I ended each session with great hope and excitement. I started with a big idea and by the end of the sessions I had my domain name, email address, colors, logo, nonprofit registration, bank account, business plan and my 501 (c) (3) approval. With renewed energy and a specific plan of action, I am enthused about the next steps in growing my organization to make global impact. By the end of the sessions, I had tangible accomplishments and specific action items/timelines to achieve them."

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