The Best Time to Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey

start your business Oct 05, 2021

If you want to launch the dream business that God has placed on your heart, the best time to start this journey is while you are still working.

Recently I read these stats: 53% of Americans have launched their business on the side, even those who make $100,000. Which tells me that more people are becoming intentional about using their passion and gifts to serve others and build their own legacy, while they are working.

This holds true for most of my clients and the same goes for you. In fact, start seeing your job as your investor. Use some of your salary to fund launching your business so you can impact the world with your gifts, talents and expertise, generate additional income and build your own legacy. And because you are launching something that’s going to make you money, think about the uncapped possibilities of how God can expand this so you can in turn change people’s lives including the less fortunate. How is that for some serious kingdom impact?

If you want your life to change, if you want God to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever ask, then you have to do your part and it starts with investing in doing something that’s actually going to change your future.


So here’s a plan of action for you to take today – 6 things you can do right now to start moving you forward:

1. Write down your big vision – what is the dream that you have a burning desire to launch (product or services).

2. Set a launch date and tell someone so will hold you accountable.

3. Do your research and pray for God to give you discernment about the course of action to take to get it done.

4. Find out how much it’s going to cost you and review your salary and expenses to see how you will be able to budget to get it done.

5. Remove “I just can’t from your vocabulary” and replace it with “How can I? This is what successful people do when they know they desire to invest in doing something that will change their life. They don’t focus on the road blocks – they focus on finding the bridge that gets them to the other side.

6. Work with a Godly mentor or guide who will help you to implement your God sized dream because God is the one who gave it to you and anyone who comes alongside you to help make it happen need to fully understand this so they can treat it with the same passion as you do.

Hope this has been helpful for you. If so, like, comment and share this info.

God created you for more than just your career. You have been working for years to refine your gifts and talents, level up your skills and expertise and it’s time for you to share them with the world for greater impact and fulfillment and to build your own generational legacy. I’m rooting for you to get it done!

I would love to connect to learn about the dreams God has placed on your heart and to share how I can help you launch right now. Click the link below: